About our Evolution System

Revolutionize aesthetic medical treatments with Ulvera AI™. Ultrasound guided personalized AI-Based skin tightening, fat reduction, and muscle stimulation

The Product

Revolutionize Aesthetic Medical Treatments with ULVERA AI™. Ultrasound Guided Personalized AI-Based Skin Tightening, Fat Reduction, and Muscle Stimulation

Our Technology

Technology Highlights

Our quasi-focused technology can treat the deeper levels of the superficial fat layer together with the superficial fascia. EMS offers treatment of the muscle layer

Offering both lipolysis by apoptosis, skin tightening and muscle stimulation

Offering reproducible clinical results in fat reduction and skin tightening

Our ability to treat the deeper fat layers offers the possibility to treat larger patient populations

Product Benefits

It treats superficial fat layer &
superficial fascia layer at the right depth

Ulvera technology is hands free

Reduction in fat layer thickness ranging from 18 to 27%. Mean value: 23%

Personalized treatment based on
ultrasound imaging

Offers combined fat destruction, skin tightening and muscle stimulation

4 applicators 
operated simultaneously

Combined ultrasonic
and EMS

Decrease in waist size up to 12 cm after 3 treatments (6 month)

Treatment Flow


ULVERA AI’s technology is the only personalized Body Contouring treatment based on artificial intelligence


Positioning of the applicators for a hands-free treatment


Radiating with a quazi focused ultrasound for even fat tissue heating creating fat destruction and skin tightening


Generating electromagnetic waves for muscle stimulation (EMS)

Ultrasound imaging



Evolution System Main Features

4 Hands Free Arms operating simultaneously

Parameter setting according to personal data

Controlled simultaneous ultrasoundand & EMS treatment

User friendly GUI & IOT

Short, painless, effective and safe treatment protocol

Product's Main Features

4 Hands Free Arms operating simultaneously

Parameter setting according to personal data  

Controlled simultaneous ultrasoundand & EMS treatment

User friendly GUI & IOT

Short, painless, effective and safe treatment protocol

The only ultrasound based technology working on ALL needed tissue layers for effective Body Contouring


The thick layer of skin beneath the outer epidermis, providing support & sensation.

Superficial fascia

Connective tissue layer that separates the superficial fat from the deep fat

Superficial fat
The layer of fat located just beneath the dermis

Tissue that generates movement & force in the body

The system changes the ultrasonic beam parameters & energy deposition depth according to the patient’s specific need.
The system treats the dermis, subcutaneous fat, superficial fascia & stimulates the muscle. 

Patient Testimonials

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